What is NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the Australian Government initiative set up to fund costs associated with disability. It is designed to help people get the support they need to improve their skills and independence over time. You may be able to use your NDIS funding to make a purchase from Squish Fiddle.

What NDIS support products can I claim from SquishFiddle?

- 0103 Assistive Product – Personal Care/Safety

- 0112 Assistive Equipment – Recreation

- 0123 Assistive Products - Household Task 

- Consumables / Core supports

You may be able to use your NDIS funding to make a purchase from SquishFiddle if you are self-managed, plan-managed or agency-managed. We recommend you seek advice from your support coordinator or plan manager if you are unsure.  

Make sure you put the NDIS participant's

  • Full Name and NDIS number in the notes section at checkout 

 If you are Self-Managed :


A.   You can order from the website as normal & pay upfront using our payment options. 

You submit your invoice /receipt to NDIS yourself.  As we receive payment upfront we send the items out immediately.  


B.   As a Pay Later LATER option 

  • Add items to cart & proceed to checkout. 
  • Enter customer details (inc NDIS number) & shipping details.
  • Proceed to payment methods  - it is here you can select the NDIS self managed payment method at checkout.  This is a PAY LATER option, to allow you to draw down first.
  • Include participant name and NDIS number in comments section.
  • On your order confirmation, you will have a PDF link in which you can download your invoice, and then YOU can upload to the portal to draw funds down first.  If not received your order confirmation directly to your inbox, try checking all mail or spam folder. 
  • Once you receive the funds you pay us directly. Our invoice includes payment details for you. We would love you to send us an email advising payment has been made including your order number & or name on invoice. 
  • As soon as payment is received, we post the item to your preferred address &  send you the tracking number.  

 If Plan Managed: 

In this case, the Plan Manager/ 3 Party Agency pays us directly for resources.

  • Add items to cart & proceed to checkout. 
  • Enter customer details (inc NDIS number) & shipping details.
  • Proceed to payment methods  - it is here you can select the alternate payment method "NDIS Plan Managed" -  this will allow you to 'checkout' without payment.   
  • On your order confirmation, you will have a PDF link in which you can download your invoice, which includes payment details for YOU to forward to your plan manager for payment.  Unfortunately we are unable to send invoices to your plan manager unless they are the primary contact on the order. 
  • If order confirmation email is not received directly to your inbox, try checking spam folder.  
  • As soon as payment is received, we post the item to your preferred address & send you the tracking number.  

 If Agency Managed : 

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