All claims must be made within 14 days of delivery.
Please contact us quoting your order number, with details of your proposed return before proceeding.
Unless the goods are defective or sent in error, you will be required to pay postage with tracking to return goods. Items must be received in original, unopened condition and packaged safely so damage does not occur.
If returned goods are used or in an unsaleable condition, then your return may not be processed. There is no return or exchange available on discounted or on sale items.
Bundles are treated as a single item and Individual items from bundles cannot be returned.
RE SQUISHIES - Due to the flexible, squishy & stretchy nature of these products, it does mean they don’t last forever. It would be awesome if they did, but unfortunately they don't...
With any of the squishies if they have a faulty seal you'll know about it straight away. Please note a warranty is not provided unless the product is faulty on first opening.
Depending on how they are used, they can last an hour, week or a year. All squishy and stretchy items are durable, but not indestructible. Squishies typically have a plug/join where they were filled. This is its most vulnerable spot, so if at all possible it is best to use this palm side in so the least amount of pressure is placed in the join. This will maximise its life.
They are not recommended for children who may try to bite, chew or ingest the contents. Avoid aggressive or excessive squishing, stretching and contact with any sharp objects.